On Saturday the 16th May Rugby Club Innsbruck will host Nördlingen Meteors at Fenner in Innsbruck - Kick-off is at 14:00. Come and support your local rugby club!
The Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1444583692521904/
Last week RCI had a tough game against the favourites Rugby Stade Wien in Hatting and I was there to get some pictures of the game. Here two of my favourites pics of the day:
Lucas Huter - avoiding tackles
Mathias Märk trying to bust a tackle.
For more photos of the game please visit the clubs Flickr page here. For the match report please go to the Rugby Club Innsbruck website here.
On Sunday my wife and I went for a hike in the Rofan mountain range. The weather was not great but the area is beautiful. We ended up hiking for about 17km and here two of my favourite photos I got on the hike.
For more photos visit my flickr page.